Later he passed M.A. political science from Punjab University. He joined Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) New Delhi and did his Ph.D. in International Law under Dr. Nagendra Singh, Judge of World Court (ICJ). He was selected as Fulbright fellow for Post-doctoral studies during 1969-70 in aerospace law in School of Law, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, USA. He got the highest grade in Fulbright selection. He was the leader of a 13-member Fulbright scholars group that had orientation in East-West Centre, Hawaii University USA.
In 1975 Prof. Bhatt served as Legal Specialist and Secretary, National Committee on Environmental Planning and Coordination DST, GOI, a challenging and creative assignment for environment planning for India. His career has been mostly in DGCA, GOI where he worked for a long time as Director Aviation Regulations, Legal Advisor to Dept. of Aviation, GOI and retired as Deputy Director-General of Civil Aviation in 1988. During this period Prof. Bhatt was Member Legal Committee of ICAO, Panel-Member for Regulation of World Air Transport 1986, and Member of the Air Delegation GOI DGCA that made air agreements with almost 60 countries and traveled abroad during 1984-88 to almost 30 countries abroad, including Russia, China, USA, Canada, EU, Gulf Countries, South-East Asia countries, etc.
Within India, he was Legal Advisor to Air India, Indian Airline, etc. and collaborated for GOI with CII, FICCI on aviation and air transport matters, etc. Subsequently, he was a Member of the Committee on National Aviation Policy GOI. He joined JNU as Prof. of Space Law and Honorary Prof. of International Law, during 1992-2002. He held National Chair in Space Law in JNU donated by ISRO in 1992. During 1988-92, Prof. Bhatt was UN-ICAO Consultant and Advisor Civil Aviation to the Govts. of Botswana, Lesotho, and Somalia in Africa. He has traveled all over Africa during this period as ICAO Advisor. Later he was Honorary Prof. Hamdard University New Delhi in 2002-2007. He was appointed as Adjunct Professor at NALSAR. He is also associated with Northcap University as Professor Emeritus from 2015 onwards.
Besides Prof. Bhatt has lectured in prominent Universities and Law Schools in India in Bangalore, Kashmir University, GNLU, NLS Delhi, Baroda Law School, Delhi University, etc. He has been regularly contributing to Annual Conferences of Indian Society of International Law, New Delhi. He is a Consultant to ISRO on legal issues. The UN Space Conference, Unispace III in Vienna July 1999 invited Prof. Bhatt as a Commentator for the conference. He presented a paper on space law in the 21st century. Prof. Bhatt is a Hony. Member of International Institute of Space Law, Paris, Member India International Centre, Life Member Indian Society of International Law, Former Vice-President Kashmir Education Society New Delhi and former Member of American Society of International Law, and Indian Science Congress.
He has authored 20 books and about 200 articles published in leading journals in India and abroad.