MR. ROBEY LALVisiting Faculty
Currently he works as an Independent Consultant in these areas, primarily with the infrastructure engineering company, International Consultants & Technocrats, and the consulting arm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. He headed the erstwhile IAAI’s Dept. of Planning, been Airport Director of IGI Airport Delhi, Executive Director Operations of IAAI, and Member on the Board of Directors of IAAI i/c of Planning and Engineering, and then became Member (operations) of AAI i/c of all operations and also Air Navigation Services for 5 years for all AAI airports and ATC of airspace in India. He also has been an ICAO specialist in Cambodia, Fiji, Niue and Philippines on projects covering these disciplines. For a few years he was also Country Director of IATA India Pvt. Ltd.
His other foreign work experience includes airport related work in USA, Tanzania and Philippines as a consultant for terminal and airside/ apron design, and technical advisor on PPP projects. His academic background includes a B. Arch (Hons) from IIT Kharagpur, M. Arch. From UC, Berkeley where he did courses on Airport Engineering & Planning under Robert Horonjeff, and subsequently his MBA at University of Hawaii, Honolulu where he did courses on Aviation Management, Social Impact Analysis of airports etc. Followed later by Strategic Management Planning at the Henley Management School at Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, England.